
After earning his Bachelors degree in Economics during 2001 from Koç University College of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Ozan Baysal continued his academic studies in music and earning Music Masters (2004) and Music PhD (2011) degrees from ITU Social Sciences Institute Advanced Studies in Music (MIAM) department.

Starting from 2005, Baysal had also taught various courses related with musicology, music theory and composition in Istanbul-based universities as a part-time instructor (Bilgi, Koç, Marmara, Mimar Sinan), while also collaborating with different artists from various media (photography, animation, film…etc.) as a composer, musician and producer. Among these works are, “Rock Sınıfı” album – including the composition and arrangement of 12 different songs - published by Taxim-Universal in 2008, and the original film music and sound design of the short animation film “A Cup of Turkish Coffee” which was directed by Nazlı Eda Noyan and Dağhan Celayir, produced and published by Yalan Dünya & JPL Films, which earned the “Best Short Film” award in 51st International Antalya Film Festival. Baysal is a member of MSG - Musical Work Owners Group Professional Association.

By 2012, Dr. Ozan Baysal became a full-time faculty member ad an Assistant Professor in ITU Turkish Music State Conservatory Musicology Department. With the aim of developing music theory and analysis studies in Turkey, he continues his research and academic studies under two main headings: (1) history of music theory and (2) developing analytical models for traditional Turkish music. His academic output on history of music theory is mainly concentrated in the ancient Greek musical manuscripts, as he provides Turkish translations with critical reviews in the context of the history of music theory, while also creating a framework on which one can build connections ancient Greek music theory with the makam music theory tradition. In terms of music analysis Dr. Baysal has proposed two prolongational models for analyzing makam based traditional Turkish music; “Cyclical Analysis Model” and “Time-Makam Analysis Model”, both of which are presented in several international conferences (in and outside of Turkey), published as articles and international book chapters. During 2017-2018 he also coordinated a project funded by the national research funding agency (The Scientific and Technological Research Council ofTurkey - TUBITAK) in which – using these two complementing models –the musical reflections of the lyrical text in the Mevlevi Ayin repertoire were investigated (Project #117K383 – “Word Painting in Mevlevi Music”). In addition to this project, Baysal coordinated another TUBITAK funded project during 2016-2018 which investigated the applicability of sound processing tools on musical hearing evaluation exams (Project #215K017).

During 2016, Dr. Ozan Baysal earned the academic rank of Associate Professor. Since then he continues to teach courses on history of music theory, music history, analysis, perception, new music trends and popular music in different academic programs - both undergraduate and graduate - of ITU.