2023-2024 Academic Year Fall Term Graduate Level Admission Applications have started. You can visit the pages below for details.

International Students: https://www.sis.itu.edu.tr/duyuru_ekler/ilan202410/index_202410.php

Turkish Citizens: https://www.sis.itu.edu.tr/duyuru_ekler/ilan202410/index_202410.php

For the following term ITU MIAM accepts applications for 2nd education non-thesis master program and PhD program. However, applications for both programs will be made through graduate level application link (Lisansüstü Başvurusu):


Applications to both programs are open until 19th June, 2023, 17:00 (NOT UNTIL 27th May, 2023)

All the concentration areas at ITU MIAM are unified under one program name: “Müzik”. In the ITU system 2nd education non-thesis master program is listed as “Müzik (II. Öğretim Tezsiz)” and PhD program is listed as “Müzik (DR)”. Please check the link below for more information and preconditions:


Program quotas:


Link for pre-registration (önkayıt):
